As part of a home schooling project while we were in Mexico in 2006 and 2007, Abigail was tasked with compiling information about all the
countries in the world.  After making a list of every nation, we cut them onto strips of paper and put them inside a really cool box we got while
we were in Mexico. Every day, Abi's sister Elea would shake the box, open it, and Abi would reach inside without looking and pick out a
country.  She would then go online and do research to answer questions on a worksheet her father Dave had created.  She would consult
maps to find important geographic information which she plotted on an outline map of the country.  Finally,she would write a report based on
the facts she had compiled then would present report and present to her family.

After so much work we posted her reports which you can find through the links below.  She also added some pictures and added links to
government and media websites.

Through her studies, she discovered the prevalence of HIV/AIDS, especially in African countries, and it inspired her to set up a link on each
page where you can view sites where you can visit and learn more about how you can help fight this devastating disease.
As a companion project her dad has started compiling World Post, reports on human rights around the world.   Click the                 next to each
country (as available) to access Human Rights World Post.  

We are making every effort to keep these pages up to date to return frequently, particularly following elections and changes of government.
As all data on these pages are from public sources feel free to share this data.
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Reports are available for countries that
highlighted and underlined.  Human
Rights World Post reports are available
for countries with the